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Purchasing a used lens and want it checked out? Or maybe you are thinking of buying a new lens and want to make sure it's as good as it can be from the factory. No matter the case, Duclos Lenses can help ensure you get the most for your money by evaluating any motion picture lens.

If you're buying or selling a lens, Duclos Lenses can act as the intermediate party ensuring both the buyer and the seller are protected. Equipment received is held until released exclusively by the owner. Using Duclos Lenses as an intermediate party as a buyer protects you from scams or defective equipment by allowing us to thoroughly evaluate lenses prior to purchase. Buyer or seller, you're covered with Duclos Lenses. 

Evaluation costs vary based on the quantity and type of lens. Evaluation fees accrued can be applied to an invoice of service work recommended by Duclos Lenses. For questions and quotes, please contact Duclos Lenses today.