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Zeiss LWZ.3 Motor Bracket Install Guide


This kit includes a Motor Mount (2 screws), Heden M26T Eccentric, and Zoom Gear Extension (8 screws). Installation is simple and only requires a single phillips head screw driver.


Remove the rear cap to allow the zoom gear to slip over the lens body. You can handle that, right?


Gently lower the zoom gear over the original iris and zoom gear, into position on the zoom ring . Keeping it perfectly straight is critical. If the Zoom Gear isn't straight, it'll get jammed. 


Insert and tighten all eight screws provided with the Zoom Gear. 

Align Motor Mount at the top of the lens, between the two "ZEISS" badges. Insert and tighten two screws provided with the Motor Mount. 

Install and align Heden Motor with new Zoom Gear Extension ring. Adjust eccentric ring to snug Heden Motor gear up to the new Zoom Gear. Be careful not to position the Heden Motor too close as this may cause excessive pressure on the Motor Mount and misalignment. 


Duclos Lenses has developed this product with the support and approval of the Original Lens Manufacturer. Therefor, the factory warranty is FULLY maintained. However, as part of our agreement with the Original Lens Manufacturer, we ask that you process all warranty repairs through Duclos Lenses should the need arise. This allows us to monitor the results of our products as well as provide valuable feedback to the Original Lens Manufacturer. For additional questions, warranty or general service, please contact service@ducloslenses.com.