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Irix 150mm f/2.8 Macro 1:1
Irix 150mm f/2.8 Macro 1:1

Cine-Mod Journal July 05, 2019 0 Comments

Before Irix announced their 150mm T3 Macro cine lens, Cinematographer Phil Holland had dropped off his photo lens to us for modification. Phil requested a front ring and focus gear to make it more cinema friendly.

 Here's what Phil had to say about it:

Irix 150mm f/2.8 Macro Cine-ModRecently I had a project come through where I needed a well rounded range of focal lengths all capable of filming at a macro level.  In the lead time ahead of the shoot I was fortunate to have time to investigate some of the newest options on the market as this shoot was certainly aiming towards a cleaner look and was destined for an 8K HDR finish.  Because I was filming large format VistaVision on RED Monstro, I was mainly interesting in glass in the 15-200mm range with working between 50-150 being pretty ideal for the subject matter.  That's where I landed on the Irix 150mm f/2.8.  After a bit of testing I found it to be really useful for high resolution closeup work, which is why I brought my mini macro arsenal I assembled to get proper gears and fronts as the shoot was all done via motion control.  Without those gears on the focusing ring, the precision needed for the shots wouldn't have been achievable.  It's nice to see Irix now has created a cinevized version of the lens with a more appropriate housing for motion picture work.  It's actually a wonderful lens, and suitable for general filmmaking. 150mm is a great focal length for closeup and portraiture shots on the formats I'm typically working on. 





Here's more information on the cine version of this lens.

Added by Cine-Mod Technician

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